
> From this.

I once read a book called A History of the World in 10½ Chapters, by Julian Barnes. The last chapter is called “The Dream”, in which absolutely everyone goes to Heaven. Even Hitler. Now, you should know that when the visions hit me for the first time, I had a messiah complex going on. And so, I wanted to save Adolf Hitler. The Barnes book wasn’t scripture, so I felt the need to implement it so that it were just as good as. You know, I figured, if the worst person ever to have existed could be saved, then it must be that everyone would be saved. Strange times, they were. And sometime stranger still there would come, from the fingers of eternity touching down through the HALOSPACE. That type of salvation was truly just a dream, though, what I was wishing upon a star. Something that faded and came back, but never to be what we first thought things would be. Indeed, things were almost never what they originally seemed.

There were scatterings of Romeo & Juliet, there was a page of the Bible from the perspective of Leonardo da Vinci. What was holy and true did not last the night, but then the night ended in dawn. I awoke elder gods, one of whom became my friend and began to spread the Good News (yes, that Good News). For it has been said of me that I entered into the dark places and made friends with the horrors within. (Though I know, too, that sometimes that the pit may be too bright, and that in haunts of solemn darkness, one may find the holy.) And then, when the dawn came, the architecture of the sunbeam proved to be still true, and that which in the night we held in silent hope: we cried out in joy.

The Good News, survivor of darkest nights, does it not speak of a son of perdition, that that man: better that he had never been born? This Judas Iscariot: there has been venom tongue that has spat on his name; but let me speak as his advocate, lo, these many centuries since the man was decried and vilified. This man I call Saint Judas the Stone, as surely in Heaven as Saint Peter. The Devil got his way for all this time, and we all have condemned a brother. For Judas was told to do as he did, by the Lord Himself. For there were many things that did not happen as it is written. And many other things that one could say of them, “it is written,” that were never written down.

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