

Walt Disney Is God

“Ostensibly a book about God, Christ, and the New Testament, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JUDAS: A HANDBOOK ON LIFE is not the typical examination of such topics, and as such will be sure to provoke strong feelings regardless of where one’s beliefs lie.”              [K.J. Pierce for IndieReader] (Click on […]

Excerpt #1: Gay as a Maypole

There was this time that the Lord [Jesus Christ] showed up in my visions saying he had just come from Hell, saying he had “burned it dow-n!” He looked a little… tweaked… like he had been through quite a trial. A little bug-eyed. And I don’t remember why he brought the subject up, but he […]

Excerpt #2: Do You Think I’m an Idiot?

I do know what people think, and I have thought so, too, I will admit. I wrote on a blog about how in 1997 I realized that everything I had been experiencing was just psychosis; I wrote that that was winning a hardfought battle… with my mind, I suppose… As I said, before this last […]

It’s Out!!!

(Click on Cover to Buy on Amazon!) There have been others before me who believed that Judas Iscariot was innocent of the crucifixion of The Lord Jesus Christ. But they haven’t seen what I’ve seen. This book is a tribute to him, to try in the smallest part to amend two thousand years falsely accused […]


Here on this site you will find almost the whole text of the book that this site represents. It is in rough form, 2 rough forms, in fact, firstly a very stream of consciousness, get-it-down-while-it’s-fresh sort of rough draft, and then a revision of that draft, expanding on the very rough, smoothing out the edges. […]


to drop into the lap of love dancing within the secret life of flowers like angels on the head of a pin and to bring within your step a mastery of life (concern ourselves in the fashion of ephemeral troubles) have you not heard? the Good News in riddle? the best story wins the pieces […]

jeanne d’arc 3

i had a vision of heaven where joan of arc sings the blues she is lit up in the spotlight of saints the current of her blood is electric, i can feel it and she howls as if she were drunk on moonlight the stage unfolds from where she stands and joins into the song […]


The Great Blasphemy