
Just so we’re straight about this: it is not my job to make an airtight argument for the existence of God and for the salvation of Jesus Christ. What I am trying to do is to make it scientifically plausible that what the apostle Paul calls the “unseen world” has some objective reality to it. That indeed, what all the prophets proclaimed to see was not just fanciful human fantasy. That perhaps (supernatural) miracles may happen, and that to be mysterious does not automatically preclude its feasibility. And to recognize making real sense of this visible world is greatly helped by (and may require) an understanding of that unseen world. (Which Paul calls the eternal, and remaining, the seen is temporary.) This should be fun, no?

Alright, so we can reasonable claim that this is a gospel. That means “good news”, and this does mean ultimately that we are talking about Jesus Christ. But what about the second part, “according to Judas”? Well, if we take the most positive view about the names of the four canonical Gospels, that “according to XXX” means according to what the author believes XXX would have us see things, there we have it. Because it is well known that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John did not, in fact, write their gospels. This is gospel as I feel Judas would like the good news to be known. Judas, after all, is a friend of mine. And maybe you should get to know him like I do.

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